It was Sabrina's first Thanksgiving and it was a busy day. We went to both the Hoogland and Knott sides to celebrate and she really hung in there! The bummer part was, Kate and Austin weren't able to come due to Kate having to work. It just wasn't the same without them, but we thought of them often! The Knott's really outdid themselves with the spread this year, for some reason there ended up being more than usual, but it was amazing! Sabrina especailly loved the ham, cheezy potatoes, and corn. Then off too the Hoogland's. We missed bowling but got leftover dinner and played bingo as an appetizer for Christmas! I won dishtowels and Brad won coffee cups.
Unfortunately, we had battery issues with the camera and didnt get the shots we wanted, but we had jsut enough to get part of a message from the Hoogland's just before commencing on the annual game of BINGO!