Thursday, March 27, 2008

Pregnancy: Bethany's worst nightmare!

I work at Bethany Christian Servies which many people associate with babies due to it's reputation for adoption work. However, these days, it's been overwhelmed with employee pregnancies! Right now on our family counseling team, we have 6 pregnancies out of 9 therapists and two interns. A logisitcal nightmare for sure but a huge blessing none the less! At our team meeting last Monday we took a pic of all our mommies to be....

From left to right in order of due dates: Christina (March 31), Me (July 13), Caryn (Aug 12 with TWINS), Deb (Aug 13), Rebecca (Sept 24), and Shelly (Oct 10).

I cannot wait to meet all the new Bethany Babies!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

Mommy hasn't let me tell MY story on here in a while so I thought I would tell you about my fun Easter weekend! On Saturday I got to play with Auntie Kate and Unkie Austin and Nana and Poppy, we were going to go swimming, but went to Jackie's Place instead because the shallow water part wasn't open. I don't know who was more bummed, me or them! After brunch, we played babies at Nana and Poppy's. I am getting good at taking care of my babies. People keep talking about some other baby that will be coming soon, but I'm not so sure about that, I just know my mommys belly is getting big!
After naptime, Gramee and Grandpee came to visit at my house. They brought over an Easter basket and some packages. They knew just what I would like, MORE ELMO! ELMO ELMO ELMO, it's all I think of all day long! I keep seeing my mommy and daddy sneaking in my basket and eating things, I think they liked my basket too.
Grandpee gave a fun ride on his shoulders after we got done looking outside at the duckies!

Saturday night mommy and daddy got dressed up some and went away with some friends. I got to play with Corrin for the night! I thought I better put a picture of them before they left in my post cuz most of the time there are only pictures of me! Isn't my daddy so handsome?
Sunday morning my mommy and daddy were all excited, they dressed me up and gave me another Easter Basket with MORE ELMO!! Then we went to "chuch" and I got to play in nursery. After, the music played for a while so we went in to hear it. It was LOUD!! I wasn't too sure about we left. Off to Nana and Poppys again for lunch and to celebrate mommys birthday. I slept through most of it, but got to play a little after my nap. Mommy told me later how nice it was to celebrate with everyone. Later we went to Auntie Lisa and Unkie Lou's for Great Grandma's Birthday. I fell in love with their "woof woof" and snickers salad. I didn't really want to go, but it was getting late.

It was a fun day and now I'm pooped. I'm going nigh nigh....Hope your Easter was just as special!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Giggles and grins

Time continues to fly by and Sabrina continues to grow and change. She now will smile and pose for the camera at times on command, but it's this real cheezer grin! And her laugh continues to change...she now snorts sometimes when she REALLY gets going! It's pretty hillarious. I love to see these new things emerge, but somtimes I just want to freeze time and enjoy the stage we are in just a little bit longer. I cant help but worry at times if I'll be able to be as tuned in to all the subtle changes that happen from day to day with two to look after. I guess I wont know until the time comes, but until then I'm going to enjoy each one and try to record as much as I can on film or video.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Flu take two

This morning we took our second trip to flu land in two weeks, this time it was Daddy. He left for work this morning, but came back less than two hours later with the flu. He was really miserable! We were so lucky Mom Iverson was around as she quickly came and picked up Sabrina and is keeping her overnight to keep her away from germies. After some meds and fluids he felt a bit better. Brad has been sleeping the day away in the basement while I was at work. I feel really awful, but I banished him to the basement as to contain the germs where we don't spend much time so the couch and the spare bedroom are now his domain. I know if I were sick I would much rather be in my own bed, but hopefully his will prevent the flu, round three!