Our friends Heidi and Caden had a great idea of getting together with all the kiddos in their costumes the day before Halloween for a playdate. There were 10 kiddos all 2 1/2 and under! It was so fun seeing them all running around! Above we got all of them together for a group picture: On the top row we have Sabrina the butterfly, Jacob the monkey, Princess Avery, Caden the lion, Kendall the zebra, and Grant the lion. Bottom row is... Anabelle as a sunflower, Jackson the giraffe, Sam the lion, Deacon as a pumpkin and Princess Cora.

Lunchtime with the older crew.

Mommies too!!
It was alot of fun and Sabrina talked about it all afternoon! It was a good way to get her geared up for Trick or Treating the next day!