Another positive is that as the feedings have gone better, she has begun to gain weight! Yeah! At our two week appt. today Anabelle was 7lbs 12 oz, "great progress" according to Dr. Green. She still is hanging out in the 25% for weight, but I'm guessing that will change soon! We are very happy to see our little peanut making some progress and are excited that all this also means mom can let her sleep longer between feedings at night!

With all the appointments we have had in the last couple weeks we have had to rely on family alot to help entertain Sabrina. Thank you thank you to you all who have helped and offered to help in this regard! We are so lucky to have such great family and friends! Sabrina has been having fun spending time with all the visitors! Here she is after hanging with Auntie Jay for the morning. Jay was the first one to take on both girlies at once while mom was at the Dr., she handled it like a pro!! Go Jamie!

Sabrina has also been taking an interest in biking, both with dad in the burley and on her bikes in the driveway. Grandmee always makes sure the grandkiddos are stylin, even when it comes to safety gear! Sabrina loves to wear her "hemit" inside and out!

And yes, the "cheezer face" has made a raging comeback in photos!!
Adorable helmet! Glad that feedings are going better and you are getting more sleep!
Sabrina is such a cutie with her own, special "hemit." Glad feedings are going better, too.
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