Thursday, December 27, 2007
Great time at Great Wolf
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Fun!
This year we celebrated with the Iverson's in Saugatuck and then drove up to the cottage to celebrate with the Hooglands. We also snuck in time to celebrate on our own at home. Truely the best part was spending time with family. We feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives to celebrate with! Here are just a few shots of the parties from this weekend.
Opening stockings with Grammie...
What could it be!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
10 Weeks and Counting
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sabrina's 1st Birthday!
To celebrate this big milestone, Sabrina had 2 parties! One with the Hooglands and one with the Iversons. Both were a blast!
We opened presents....Everyone was so thoughtful! Sabrina even got into ripping off the paper some!
Some new PJ's and a new slide, WEEE!!!
I got some new books and spent some time playing with my cousins!
Then we ate cake, and I got some too! In fact, I had a whole cake all to myself and I made a great mess! Mommy and daddy were suprised it wasnt worse though!
The biggest suprise of all was the T-shirt mommy and daddy gave me at both parties that said "I'm the big sister!" No one could believe that my mommy is pregnant again and I'm going to be a big sister ,Yipee!!! Mommy says I have to wait until July, 13 though to meet my brother or sister. Check out the video of the reaction at the Hoogland Party. (Unfortunately I didnt get the camera out fast enough for the Iverson party!)
Friday, December 14, 2007
1 Year pictures
I will post some pics and video of her at her parties soon!
Friday, November 23, 2007
First Thanksgiving
It was Sabrina's first Thanksgiving and it was a busy day. We went to both the Hoogland and Knott sides to celebrate and she really hung in there! The bummer part was, Kate and Austin weren't able to come due to Kate having to work. It just wasn't the same without them, but we thought of them often! The Knott's really outdid themselves with the spread this year, for some reason there ended up being more than usual, but it was amazing! Sabrina especailly loved the ham, cheezy potatoes, and corn. Then off too the Hoogland's. We missed bowling but got leftover dinner and played bingo as an appetizer for Christmas! I won dishtowels and Brad won coffee cups.
Unfortunately, we had battery issues with the camera and didnt get the shots we wanted, but we had jsut enough to get part of a message from the Hoogland's just before commencing on the annual game of BINGO!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Naughty New Trick and Nice Visitors
She also found these boxes and didn't love the "Sweetie, we need to get down".
Friday, November 16, 2007
Diaper Duty
A favorite activity of Sabrina's is pulling things out of drawers, cupbords, bags, etc. The diapers in her changing table are no exception! The video is a bit long, but at the end she does a little talking (sort of)! This post is for you Laura and Ashley!
A mom's work is never done
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Baby Love
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Shopper in Training
Sabrina's now in intensive training to get her shop on. She was practicing how to juggle the plastic and say CHARGE IT!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Kissy Face
Today out of the blue, Sabrina started kissing the faces of the babies in her Boo, Baby Halloween book. She kissed every page! I laughed so hard. I had to coax her some to do it for the camera, but it's still pretty cute. She just looks so proud of herself!
Halloween was just Ducky!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
These two shots are from one night out by the beach and at dinner. The food that night was great and it was so awesome to sit out at 10 PM and have a relaxing meal
Apparently there was a hurricane coming toward Cabo Tuesday or so and the day we left we began to see some HUGE waves! The video does not do it justice, but they were about 20 ft high!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Scarey Ghost!
No worries, no one was hurt in the filming of this video :) Just one of many close calls!