Sunday, January 31, 2010

I hate football

Most of you who know me can attest to my hatred of football and to be honest, most all sports really. Football is just exceptionally excruciating for sensitive ears and the constant crowd noise, the crazy rules i dont understand (and dont care to), and the men prancing around is capris and a shirt stuffed with padding juming all over each other every 2 min causing pain to others who have done them no wrong!! WHo dreams up this stuff?!?
Ok ok, sorry to all you who love football, (including my husband) and most of my extended family, I hope you can love me in spite of this....the upside to all this is while "the game is on I get to have silly time with the girls and take some cute pics which you now get to enjoy, so in the end I guess everyone wins :)

Oh, and for my husband and Grammee and Grampee I must write, "GO COLTS". :)


The Busscher Family... said...

Love the boots Linds :) As always your girls are just adorable!!

Anonymous said...

I hate it too!! Can't wait for the season to be done!!